NEW BOOK - 'Laugh Out Loud' by Duncan Russell

ROCKLEIGH Publishing

The 'Rockleigh' Story

Rockleigh Publishing evolved from a need for first time writers to share their stories and to navigate the murky waters of various publishing firms. From experience, some prey on inexperienced writers, who may be charged significant fees whilst losing control of their book in the process.

In recent years it has become easier than ever to self-publish, however the impediment for most is not knowing where to start.

At Rockleigh, our aim is to help guide writers toward successful publishing without locking into a long-term publishing contract - which can be daunting for those just starting out on their story-telling experience.

Everyone has a story to tell. There is no better time than now to share it with the world.


"Bloody funny and a fantastic 'bed-time' read. I just wished that I'd published it!"
